Tuesday 4 August 2015

Girivalam Information - must read this :

Thiruvannamalai Lord Siva temple, located on top of a mountain, represents the Agni form of the 5 elements of nature.Every full moon day is an auspicious day to have a Darshan of the main deity & pray.Earthlings enjoy every full moon night. On every full moon day, the temple wears a festive look and draws devotees from all parts of the land as the nectar of the floral disc attracts bees with an osmotic pull of an astounding force.
The full moon not only swells oceans and seas but also the crowd of devotees who throng about the temple. The moon shows its whole disc illuminated and this illumination exerts an influence upon earnest adherents by imperceptible means. While the waning phases of moon bring in depression its waning phases waken up soul of men to winsome elation; and the lovely luminous (full) moon brings in the devotees a magical sense of spiritual awakening. A glow with aspirations the adherents find a promise of new life, new spring in the severe summer of the earthly life.
Malaivalam (Girivalam) (‘malai’ means mountain in Tamil; ‘giri’ means mountain in Sanskrit)
Undertaking a trip by walking along the foot of the mountain in a circle is a monthly ritual, a token of devotion working a stage in spiritual developments.The illumination of the entire disc of moon, is a monthly feature devotees drawn from different parts of the land visit the temple and phallic symbol placed in the sanctum sanctorum, and the mother Goddess `UMA` and dextrally move in a circle in large numbers keeping the hill as the centre covering in a complete round a distance of nearly fifteen kilometres.
Worshipping all along the way the hundred and odd lingams the masculine means of majesty, the phallic symbols used extensively in the cult of worship of `Siva` and erected at regular intervals the procreative force (lingam).It induces the feeling of being one with nature while it gives peace of mind which tends to forget all other worries!.Girivalam, in fact, is a way of seeking spiritual union with the saviour of all and for sometime the aspirants of higher aims are away from the harassing material world.Devotees certainly tend to glow in good health and return home refreshed.
According to the yore, a person who thinks Arunachalam and desire to go around by water covering 15 km the Arunachala hill and forwarding one foot will get equal benefit of Yagam and for second foot he will achieve the benefit of Raja Suya Yagam and with clear mind of third foot will achieve Aswameda Yagam and who continues further will get beneficial of all Yagams.Siddhas and devotees from various parts of the World walk around on all days. In the full moon day of every month, lakhs of devotees go around the hill regularly.
Every angular sight of this holy hill - also known as Annamalai - in the divine parameters of the upper worlds - offers various types of Godly visions of the mountain on your every footstep.Each such angular vision carries behind it thousand fold munificence and divine beneficence of the almighty all the 72000 cores of human physiology are divinely activated and blissfully streamlined when you perform Girivalam here.
The spiritual splendour of this holy mountain is enjoyed by physical circumambulation, under the divine guidelines of Sathguru who reveals its divine splendour .The Siddhas tell going around the hill once destroys the karma of ten million births. That means nothing is as effective as MALAI VALAM.Siddhas like Sathguru Maharishi Venkatramana preach devotees to walk around hill at least once in their life.
How to undertake ‘Girivalam’?
• Everyone should walk around the hill barefoot.
• Mutter the name "Om Arunachala".
• View the peak of the Arunachala hill during the circumambulation.
• It should be undertaken during night.
There are 8 lingams, 360 holy tanks, mandapas and ashrams. There are eight lingams around the Arunachala hill one in each direction.

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